Monday, December 20, 2010

Samsung Galaxy Mobile Feature

Samsung Galaxy Tab Review

Android Tablet with 1GHz processor, full Flash support thanks to Android 2.2, dual cameras, support for up to 32GB of storage and Wi-Fi / 3G connectivity that is none other than the classic Samsung Galaxy Tab, having such awesome specs put other android tablets to shame.
White glossy back with a screen shinier than the iPad we can say a sophisticated or clean designed gadget. Having a four touch buttons on the front side, a headphone jack, volume control, micro SD card slot and a power button. But still we wonder why it doesn’t have a usb slot. Comparing it with other tablets iPad and ExoPC are not one handed use due to their large screens i.e. 9.7” and 11.6” respectively but Galaxy Tab is the slimmest of all 7.4 x 4.7 inch with 0.47 inch thickness, which can be easily wrapped in your hands.
LCD with 1024 x 600 resolutions is awesome; you don’t have to play with screen while showing your stuff to some friend. Pixel density is a bit lower than the iPad but still it works in a sunny weather perfectly.  The screen is very responsive with high sensitivity. The four way accelerometer is quite responsive. It has two speakers at the bottom but they are just louder like smart phones.
The software used in Tab is very friendly, a person who has never used a Galaxy before can easily understand it . When you flip the display into a landscape mode you get a Microsoft Outlook pane that will facilitate you for all your email stuff, the calendar shown in it is equally interactive in which you can put the upcoming events also. Everything in it is self explanatory including the messaging and contacts.
There is another improvement that is Media Hub, you can easily watch previously purchased contents by just signing in to your media hub account . with the necessary stuff it also comes with a handful of third party applications like Facebook, Amazon’s Kindle and Quik, Pandora, Twitter etc all these app scale well on Tab.
The browsing isn’t smooth as in the iPad and there is also some problem with changing the brightness of the browser. While loading videos repeatedly there comes a message that says “this video is not optimized for mobile”. Well that means Flash slowed down the process
3 megapixel camera at the back isn’t as they should be, you have to hold down the camera button to get it snapping, the resolution is totally fixed like you can only take photos 800-600. Motion capture is quite smooth without shuttering issues. If you want to use the camera you got to insert a 16GB micro SD card. The 1.3 mega pixel camera at the front is not really good enough but still it works fine for video chatting or checking yourself when there is no mirror around. Fring doesn’t work in this tablet because fring is not enabled yet for tablets.
The best part of Tab is that you don’t have to worry about the sluggish performance that is usually seen in Android tablets. YouTube videos or normally played videos run smoothly on full screen. The 3G speed of downloading is 1,043 kbps and uplink is521 kbps.
Samsung has also said that Galaxy Tab will be available on a range of attractive price packages, so expect some cool deals from telecom operators.
 Samsung Galaxy Tab
Samsung is out now, with leaking all their secrets with the Samsung galaxy tab coming out in market. You can look up to the details of this device easily now.  This seven-inch Android tablet has so many accessories in market. There are some of the official accessories involved. This is making every one so much excited that anyone would love to know when it is releasing. Initially, when you look at the Samsung galaxy tab, you may feel that the screen is looking much brighter to you. This is considered the first Samsung tablet. This device does have a super Amold display. This Samsung galaxy tab is just considered the next version of Galaxy S Phones.

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