Saturday, December 11, 2010

Latest HTC Touch Pro Mobile Feature

 As if the HTC Touch Pro wasn’t awesome enough, the new and improved HTC Touch Pro 2 is on the way and T-Mobile USA customers will be the lucky recipients. A member of XDA developers got his filanges on the ROM and rumor has it that May will mark the release of the full QWERTY powerhouse.
We’ll let the specs speak for themselves:
528 MHz processor
Video Out!
480 x 800 resolution screen
288 MB RAM
GPS, Assisted GPS, QuickGPS, Geotagging
3.1MP Camera (yes it does record video, it’s WinMo remember!)
Bluetooth 2.1 + EDR
Slide and tilt QWERTY Keyboard
it MIGHT have a secondary .3 MP camera for video calls
Windows Mobile 6.5
Custom Branded TouchFLO 3D for T-Mobile
MyFaves built into TouchFLO 3D
Telenav GPS included
Sliding sounds for the keyboard
Will have Facebook and Contact Card apps
Support for T-Mobile HotSpot and WAP
Google Maps, JBlend Java, OZ Im
HTC Touch Pro 2 Updates: Verizon, Sprint and T-mobile USA
The first of the major US Wireless carriers launching the HTC Touch Pro 2, T-mobile, first came on the scene thanks to a spy shot and an accompanied ROM. Hidden within this ROM leaked by xda-developers was the CID of T-MOB010, the US country ID also used for the Dash and the Shadow. The ROM was built upon Windows Mobile 6.5 along with included applications such as Facebook, YouTube, Opera, the HTC-specific game Teeter and even a MyFaves tab on TouchFLO 3D .
Quickly following this news was confirmation by means of a leaked image for the Sprint-branded HTC Touch Pro 2. The addition of a CDMA version of the Touch Pro 2 is no surprise since we had expected Sprint and Verizon to both launch the device since it was first announced. What is interesting about the leaked Sprint and Verizon HTC Touch Pro 2 devices is that they have been leaked so close together. It seems that Verizon does not want to make the mistake of allowing Sprint to gain exclusive rights to the next-generation Touch Pro.
At this point the only carrier we have no confirmed to launch the Touch Pro 2 is At&t. However we expect this to change quickly over the next couple weeks since At&t Fuze is ready to be updated in our opinion. As far as differences in the devices themselves we will remain optomistic until we see any conflicting screen shots that would suggest a slower processor or reduced memory on the Verizon model. Release dates for all 3 carriers are expected to be announced next month with T-mobile USA taking top honors with the first launch. We are happy to see T-mobile embrace their 3G network with a robust Windows Mobile Device for the first time and wouldn’t have picked any other device to perform the christening.

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