Tuesday, January 11, 2011

latest nokia‑e61i features

The E61i is the successor of the E61 and has the same form-factor – it is wide clamshell with landscape display and QWERTY keyboard. It features camera with resolution of 2-megapixels and it is quad-band GSM with UMTS, featuring WiFi, USB 2.0 and Bluetooth.
I have been tinkering with my e61i lately (kept forgetting to update this blog as often as I should.) I took pictures of both devices just for the sake of design and build aesthetics and I say both devices are beautiful! Both have large screens and both have wireless connectivity, and both do the things they do best, seamlessly!
The Zune -- play music and watch videos 
Nokia e61i -- make calls and type long emails and texts.
Just look at how thick the Zune is. Even phones that play music and videos; make calls and surf the web are thinner than the Zune. Well...It's because the Zune packs a 30gb hard drive! while the Nokia e61i only has 40+MB internal memory and 256MB micro SD card..not even reaching a gig.
If you're in the neighborhood for a new mobile phone, and want to try out the "qwerty" way of texting I strongly recommend the e61i! It's predecessor, the e61, is of the same features but sans the 2.0 megapixel camera and some of the pre-installed apps, and of course the nice steel-plated shell exterior of it's newer version.
Nokia E61i

            Nokia E61i
The Nokia E61i is a phone that looks like a minicomputer. But does it perform like one too? Find out by reading this review on the phone and look closely at the price, features and technical specifications to have a better idea of the Nokia E61i.

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